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Embrace Comfort, Warmth, & Love

If you’re interested in the experience our community provides, visit us today!

For any questions about our services, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Why Choose Us?


Life is always better when we’re together. We prioritize connection within our community, fostering meaningful relationships based on trust, care, and compassion.


Stay curious about the world around you! We provide you with endless opportunities to explore your interests, find new hobbies, and love every moment of life.


We genuinely care about every single resident, and we show this by always being there to lend a helping hand.

All Together

We’re more than just a community—we’re a family. By instilling principles of connection, love, and personal growth, our residents feel like they are a part of something special.

Our Lifestyles

We believe that every resident deserves a lifestyle that brings them joy and comfort. Our dedicated team works closely with you to determine the perfect lifestyle for your needs and preferences.

Whether you prefer an active lifestyle filled with community events and outings or a more relaxed pace focused on personal enrichment, we have something for everyone. Browse our lifestyles and get in touch with us to learn more.

Assisted Living

Assisted living is more than just a place to live—it’s a community that provides the support you need to focus on what truly matters. Our goal is to help you connect with others, grow as an individual, and experience the love and support of those around you.

Memory Care

Memory care is designed to help individuals with cognitive conditions make meaningful connections within their community and enjoy an elevated, enriching quality of life.

Respite Care

Our respite care program offers short-term stays that provide a break for caregivers while allowing individuals to experience all the benefits of our community.


Where to Find Us

Find us along Crystal Falls Pkwy., just down the road going East from the Cedar Park Regional Emergency Center.


  • 1841 Crystal Falls Pkwy.
  • Leander, Texas 78641

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