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Who Qualifies for Assisted Living

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An older adult woman holding a cane while smiling at the camera.

Finding the right care for aging loved ones can often be top of mind for many families. Assisted living in senior living communities is one option families might consider.

But how do you know if a loved one qualifies for assisted living? If your loved one is 62 years and older, requires help with some activities of daily living, and can maintain their independence, then they can qualify for assisted living. 

What Is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is more than just a residence; it’s a lifestyle. At its core, assisted living communities are designed to provide support and assistance with daily activities while fostering a sense of independence and community engagement. 

Residents in assisted living communities can enjoy the comforts of home without the hassles of household chores, maintenance, and other daily stresses that can become challenging with age. It’s a holistic approach to aging gracefully, promoting well-being in mind, body, and spirit.

What Does Assisted Living Offer?

Assisted living communities are not just places to reside; they are dynamic environments prioritizing social interaction, mental stimulation, and overall quality of life. Key offerings make assisted living a unique and enriching experience for loved ones. 

Safe & Comfortable Living Spaces

Assisted living communities offer comfortable living spaces tailored to the needs of loved ones. From well-designed suites to common areas for socializing, these environments help enhance the quality of life for residents.

Social Connectivity

One of the primary benefits of assisted living is community living and the opportunity for social interaction. Residents can build new friendships, participate in group activities, and enjoy a sense of belonging. From communal dining areas to planned outings and events, assisted living communities cultivate an environment where loved ones can thrive socially.


Assisted living recognizes the importance of mental and physical well-being. Therefore, these communities often offer diverse amenities to cater to different interests and abilities. Whether it’s art classes, fitness programs, or book clubs, loved ones have ample opportunities to engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.

Assistance with Daily Living

Assisted living assists with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, medication management, and meals. Trained staff members are available to loved ones if they require support while maintaining their independence and autonomy.

Who Qualifies for Assisted Living?

Determining eligibility for assisted living involves assessing a loved one’s needs and preferences. While there is no one-size-fits-all criterion, here are some common indicators that suggest someone may qualify for assisted living:

  • Age: The age requirement for assisted living is 62 years. Residents in assisted living are typically older adults who can no longer live independently.
  • Difficulty with daily activities: If a loved one is struggling with tasks such as bathing, dressing, or managing medications, assisted living can provide the necessary support to help carry these out with ease.
  • Isolation and loneliness: Loved ones who feel isolated or lonely may find solace in assisted living communities, where social opportunities are abundant, fostering a sense of connection and companionship.
  • Health conditions: Individuals with chronic health conditions that require attention but not around-the-clock supervision may qualify for the on-site assistance and healthcare services available in assisted living.
  • Mobility issues: If your loved one has trouble getting around, such as needing a wheelchair or walker, they may qualify for assisted living.

In essence, assisted living is for those seeking a balance between independence and support and a place where they can embrace life fully while receiving the assistance they need.

Who Doesn’t Qualify for Assisted Living?

While assisted living offers a supportive and engaging environment for many older adults, there are instances where some are not eligible, such as:

  • If a loved one requires round-the-clock care due to severe medical conditions or advanced cognitive decline, assisted living may not be equipped to provide the level of care needed. Memory care offers an individualized approach for loved ones with cognitive conditions. 
  • If a loved one needs specialized medical attention or constant supervision, a facility offering skilled nursing services might be more appropriate. 

Because each assisted living community has its eligibility criteria, it’s crucial to assess a loved one’s level of care required and choose the most fitting environment for their well-being and safety. 

A group of older adults at a senior living community sit around a table laughing and playing cards together

Assisted Living Lifestyle Option for Loved Ones

Qualifying for assisted living is not solely based on age but also on the care and help required by a loved one for activities of daily living. By understanding the qualifications for assisted living, you can make an informed decision about the care and support your loved one needs in their later years. 

Contact The Legacy at Crystal Falls for questions about assisted living eligibility or to learn more about our community. 

Written by LifeWell

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